the newest blog that hopes to insipre with fashion, food, entertainment and home decor straight from boise!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Babe City "Boise" Babes

I stumbled on a website called Babe City Babes that has pictures of regular hot "babes" on the streets of NYC.  The two girls that run this website met in college and became the best of friends when they decided to walk around taking pictures of men (or babes as they want to call them) who have "style, charisma, and a sort of irresistible magnetism" and post them on their website!
Not only do they have pictures of hot babes on their website, they are super funny too.

Of course, this would ONLY appeal to you...ahem...single ladies (says the very not single boise bug). 

They welcome submissions by anyone who would like to send them in.
They even have a sign up to have pictures emailed to you...

I don't know how many Boise men have been featured on this website, but I would love for them to be bombarded by all the submissions we (you) could send!  We (you) could call it...Babe City Boise Babes.  Hot damn, I am just too creative sometimes.

Here is a sample of one of their "featured babes"

See.  Totally candid from the street.  I am convinced we have plenty of these types in Boise.
Dont'cha love the lipstick kiss mark?

Anyway...go here if you're interested.  Which I'm you are.  I know you.

**mr boise bug...i love you.  i only have eyes for you. xoxo**

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